(2 replies, posted in from Source)

pm me and ill discuss costs depending on platform?

no more than

if its for Intel/AMD linux RPM you can find them here aswell http://chillispot.simplywifi.co.uk/


Andrew Smalley

whoooo, thats more than i have in my dictionary ; - i think ill add them attributes to my radius.

please do include them to /etc/raddb/dictionary.conf includes like this

$INCLUDE        /usr/share/freeradius/dictionary
$INCLUDE dictionary.chillispot     # my chilli dictionary.
$INCLUDE dictionary.smartbridges  #  extra dictionary to manage my AP's



(4 replies, posted in Radius Configuration)

have you included the dictonary.chillispot for your radius server? if not then radiator wont know what to do with the up/down limits

I myself have adopted 256k upstream and 2 - 6mb downstream for users depending on what they pay for....

I would suggest a move to the freeradius platform, V2 is very nice and certs / TLS is almost out of the box now. and V1.umm whatever is Very stable. just rebooted my chilli server after 199 days uptime serving perectly...


try this its known to work, but it will accept radius client requests from everywhere - also change the stock secret away from testing123

client {
secret = testing123
shortname = r-wifi-01
nastype = other

then your swarm box should work wink assuming it is swarm's software you are using,,



(1 replies, posted in Whishlist)

just add the DNS domain name to chilli.conf and chilli should work out the DNS on its own...



(1 replies, posted in Special Configurations)

hi Malo,

in /etc/raddb/users or your MySQL table add this entry

Idle-Timeout = 3600

if the user is idle they will be logged out.



(6 replies, posted in Special Configurations)

chilli does WPA-Enterprise out of the box with radius, just enable 3 options in the /etc/chilli.conf   - they are

coaport 3799

your freeradius or whatever radius you are using needs to be setup correctly. My Vista workstation tells me using "netsh" that i am using WPA-Enterprise, and i cant sniff user traffic.

Regards. .


(2 replies, posted in Fedora Core)

in /etc/chilli.conf you have a section like this

# TAG: dhcpif
# Ethernet interface to listen to.
# This is the network interface which is connected to the access points.
# In a typical configuration this tag should be set to eth1.
dhcpif eth1

you should be able to create a bridge for your spare ethernet interfaces and make chilli give dhcp from br0

hope this helps


(4 replies, posted in Radius Configuration)

Problem fixed - I hope my services were usefull, should you need support in future please dont hesitate to ask




(6 replies, posted in UAM Configuration)

from what i remember from the old chillispot forum there was a problem with windows and ASP and MD5,

the login script makes use of MD5 to hash the password and ASP couldnt deal with this correctly.

someone please correct me if im wrong.


(753 replies, posted in News)

the index starts here   http://web.archive.org/web/*/http://www.chillispot.org


(753 replies, posted in News)

#You could if you wanted.  i think ill make metadot do it for us. BRB.

report later!

or read the manual like we who have it mostly working wink BLESS im not perfect and not all working.

you need at least MySQL v5.0 or better

then run https://xyz.yourdomain.abc/YOURINSTDIR/install/setup.php

follow instuctions, i can help offline.



(4 replies, posted in Whishlist)

just found it myself. it looks interesting

dont loose focus here, its CHILLISPOT we are talking about


(0 replies, posted in Buglist)

you seem to have been targeted for porn spam.

suggest you take a look through your forum and remove the spam messages


Andrew S>


(2 replies, posted in from Source)

I am willing to install freeradius/MySQL Support, chillispot with phpmyprepaid on your server for a cost, anyone interested???


(2 replies, posted in Fedora Core)

further to my install of phpmyprepaid...

I decided i wanted PHP5 installed as phpmyprepaid likes PHP5 apparently . .

i did this on my server console

   yum --enablerepo=centosplus -d 0 search php  # checks for php updates for files installed on my server

   yum --enablerepo=centosplus -y install php     # go away and get 30mb of updates for my system

   yum --enablerepo=centosplus upgrade php*   # < not sure about this line it didnt do anything.

to finish restart httpd and check your php version, mine is now PHP Version 5.1.6

I found the instructions here   http://osdir.com/ml/org.user-groups.linux.glisc/2006-12/msg00010.html


(2 replies, posted in Fedora Core)

have you done the chillispot.firewall to setup forwarding rules. ????


(2 replies, posted in Fedora Core)

I have just installed phpmyprepaid on my centos 4 box. i had to goto mysql.com and download these files

MySQL-shared-compat-5.0.45-0.rhel4.i386.rpm   < not sure this file is needed

then i did a

yum localinstall *.rpm  it went away and got 150mb or there abouts other updates to enable MySQL 5 to be installed

1 reboot and edit /etc/my.cnf and # basedir in [mysql.server] ( it prevents mysql server starting)

# basedir=/var/lib

next i put phpmyprepaid in /var/www/html/phpmyprepaid

next i went to my browser


follow the instructions and phpmyprepaid is up and running clean and easy.

hope the above makes sense. the hardest part was upgrading MySQL from 4.x.x to 5.x.x i chose 5.0 and not 5.1 or 6 MySQL Server, it took a little reading and help from google to find the answer as to why MySQL wouldnt start.


Andrew - SimplyWifi.co.uk

you will need 2 NIC's to use chillispot. a VPN tunnel seems pointless.


(8 replies, posted in Fedora Core)

I have tried your scripts but cant get the mysql tables imported

swarmspot wrote:

I've done a complete rewrite of the original phpMyPrepaid.. It can generate user name and password on the fly from PayPal, includes extensive reporting functions, block users, reports for users, reports for NAS, sell bulk tickets via PayPal to agents, allow agents to sell codes from their own PayPal accounts.

I'd be happy to share the scripts with anyone that needs them. My long term plan is to provide it as a package under GPL called ChilliPal. If anyone wants to help PM me.


Sean Bracken


If you put squid on the same box as the chilli host and there should be nothing special to configure. clients would use the squid automaticly.

Squid will not save upload data thou, it just helps with cache'd downloads, google for "squid windows update cache" this will save lots of satelite traffic.



(3 replies, posted in Special Configurations)

use contribs.org sme server, its very nice. i am in progress of adding chilli to its inbuilt MySQL/ Ldap/ FreeRadius config.