to long explain . tell me short what you need and what is your problem.


(1 replies, posted in Chillispot Configuration)

it 's chilli vlan . i have to set it but it make error.

you may use pppoe-server.

never seen before . what you linux?


(1 replies, posted in Chillispot Configuration)

try http://gatewayip:3990/logoff

you may set more time connect to radius but it make the client wait for login.


(3 replies, posted in UAM Configuration)

i use coova-chilli .
i saw it on string called.

you can do  Gateway --> client, but you can not have anything between Gateway and client.


(3 replies, posted in UAM Configuration)

it adds to radacct on filed CalledStationId.
if you want to lock client by CalledStationId. Try to add this attribute to radcheck.

set Router B as bridge , do not enable DHCP or chillispot.


(3 replies, posted in Chillispot Configuration)

You should use the attribute Max-All-Session.

nothing problem .

cause radius only wait for update from chilli

if the update come on the restart time , the next update will be received.

you should read on document and try to test it.


(3 replies, posted in Special Configurations)

by my test

static is not stable with chillispot, you may add static on eth1 (for ubuntu) and open firewall to allow the ip.

you may add html code above the line begin with

<form name=\"form1\" method=\"post\" action=\"$loginpath\">

you may check on your hotspotlogin page and edit it.

you should look for wins setup on microsoft board..

For my method

I install on Ubuntu server 8.10

I do like this

internet--->eth0-->chilli --->eth1(192.168.10.x:access point),tun0 (192.168.182.x:client)--->client


eth1 (>AP (192.168.10.x)
tun0 (>Client (192.168.182.x)


(3 replies, posted in Special Configurations)

you can use mac authen not ip-pass cause ip always change

you may use wansershaper not chillispot


(4 replies, posted in Special Configurations)

chilli can not do that cause it authen gateway

no good static for chilli you may use pppoer-server.


(2 replies, posted in Radius Configuration)

check radius log too.


(2 replies, posted in Radius Configuration)

try to use attribute Acct-Interim-Interval and add Value in second begin from 60


(1 replies, posted in Radius Configuration)

not work good for static you may try pppoe-server


(1 replies, posted in Radius Configuration)

1. A created user is only allowd to authenticate once (no multiple authentications)

Set $sql="INSERT INTO `radgroupcheck` (GroupName , Attribute , op , Value  ) VALUES ('$plan_id', 'Simultaneous-Use', ':=', '$Simultaneous')";

to group

2. I want to create a User to "operate as a group" so that multi-auths are allowed together with option 1. This is, for example that not each guest gets his username but i can create one username for more than one person.

do the same above by manage group

3. I need an Account-Expiry so that i can set, for example "Account1 is allowed from 4th March to 10th March" What do i have to set in the Database?

this is expire scripts

$pf_time = strtotime("+$expire_time days");
//format the date using the timestamp generated
//echo $due_day = date("d/m/Y", $pf_time);
$expire_day = date("d M Y H:i:s", $pf_time);

$sql="INSERT INTO `radcheck` (UserName , Attribute , op , Value  ) VALUES ('$username2', 'Expiration', ':=', '$expire_day')";