randomdude123 wrote:


I found a line in my chilli.conf: uamnocount
What's that for? Maybe that could be the problem..

Greetz Me

I searched in the database (mysql) in RADACCT, and there I saw that since the problem occured, not a single record with AcctTerminateCause: Lost-carrier was present...
Before the problem, most of the time the acctterminatecause was a lost carrier..

So this means that most people log on the network, but not really log off using the log off facilities from chillispot. They just turn off their pc.
Somehow, chillispot cant seem to detect anymore that a user times out and so thinks that the user is still logged on while he isn't anymore.
Next time the user logs in he's still logged on.

Greetz Daan

btw maybe worth mentioning: apparently the router was resetted, so the problem could be the routers configuration also.

Please show me your chilli.conf

For the user still alive on radius server.
You should add idle-timeout on radreply table to tell NAS when user turnoff thier computer . NAS will send logoff to server.


(2 replies, posted in UAM Configuration)

I use macauth.
it 's more easy than macallow cause your can add on db not on chilli.conf.

by add mac as UserName and Password as password.

wait for 10 minutes and login .

It 's work..

check your firewall and your chilli.conf

it 's ok or not.


(1 replies, posted in Chillispot Configuration)

Did you run chillispot on dd-wrt?
it 's look like you don't kno whow to set please more manual on the dd-wrt website.


On uamallowed you can allow the ip or dpmain name your want to access with out authen. mrs.chilli allows all ports on the domain.
You don't need to allow the port.

or i understood your squestion?

Static ip is for advance user who can set freeradius database . And static ip will no need to have the login page . the login page is for auto dhcp.


(1 replies, posted in Chillispot Configuration)

Could I setup chillispot on a windows server and use it in conjunction with the wireless routers and current company internet connection?

A: There is no chillispot for Widnows Server. so you should install in linux server

Will chillispot allow me to create or modify the web interface taht uisers see so atht I can have my company logo and adverts up there?

A: You can do that but you must have programe system to manage it. such as php to create welcome page and company logo

Not work on VPN . it 's work only on local area.
you should use user function on VPN to make VPN authen.


(1 replies, posted in Radius Configuration)

You may find radius attribute but i never test it.

What i know about your need is
User 1 can always login all day but
User 2 can login only on the restricted time, such as the user can login only on 08.00 am - 11.00 am.

never seen about that.

I test only restrict how log to use not what time to login.


(2 replies, posted in Chillispot Configuration)

I install on ubuntu 8.04 and it works.
I have got this problem before when i install on ubuntu 7.04
but on ubuntu 6.10 it works by install bind.

On Ubuntu 7.04
you must check dns server on tasksel install

put command #tasksel
then ubuntu will show windows to check dns server.
make it install you will get it work all.

Becareful on Firewall


EXTIF=out going to internet
INTIF=out put to access point on local network



(4 replies, posted in Chillispot Configuration)

you can use proxy by set iptables rule.
dns server and set on chilli.conf


(1 replies, posted in Chillispot Configuration)

Never seen about that cause chilli give dhcp server itself.


auth: user supplied User-Password does NOT match local User-Password
auth: Failed to validate the user.
  WARNING: Unprintable characters in the password. ?  Double-check the shared se                                                                             cret on the server and the NAS!
Delaying request 0 for 1 seconds
Finished request 0

Give me your chilli.conf and you authen pages and what is database you use?


(4 replies, posted in Chillispot Configuration)

Yes you can set it to make chilli dhcp give ip from range you need.
by uncomment  the line dynip

but on statip i setup it and fix ip but nothing work ;-C

You design to use freeradius.net and install on windows and use dd-wrt for chillispot.
I never use differrent  chilli and radius on local server.
maybe you can try install freeradius on windows config it.
And point dd-wrt to the windows ip. test it.
You may win man..

I found only freeradius on windows but not found chillispot on windows .
so you can not use it. cause on windows no chillispot.

so sorry about that.

try https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/ChillispotHotspot/7.10

How you get the url you typing it or it redirect to.
if you typing it . it 's not work on login.
you should make it redirect by chillispot.


(1 replies, posted in Chillispot Configuration)

you may find new laptop to test ,it 's error on your laptop or on chilli. you will know .
and check on server chillispot is runing or not.


Or you may use lan to connect , if it got ip from chilli. it 's mean your inhel. (Oh No! it 's intel not inhel ;-D) your intel is not work.

Regards Again


(1 replies, posted in Special Configurations)

You may change your browser to another.

How do you connect to your server from outside or inside?

this my config



#Allow related and established on all interfaces (input)

#Allow releated, established and ssh on $EXTIF. Reject everything else.
$IPTABLES -A INPUT -i $EXTIF -p tcp -m tcp --dport 22 --syn -j ACCEPT
$IPTABLES -A INPUT -i $EXTIF -p tcp -m tcp --dport 80 --syn -j ACCEPT

#Allow related and established from $INTIF. Drop everything else.

#Allow http and https on other interfaces (input).
#This is only needed if authentication server is on same server as chilli
$IPTABLES -A INPUT -p tcp -m tcp --dport 80 --syn -j ACCEPT

some thing like this....


(3 replies, posted in Chillispot Configuration)

Internet -->Server(chillispot)--by lan->AP1--by wds-->AP2


(2 replies, posted in Chillispot Configuration)

What you set for DHCP interfaces ?


You should set on WLAN&LAN.

Did i understand your question?

now it' s impossible

cause server know only account, don't know pc. it 's only know this account it expiration.
if you are expert in php your can write this in php to check pc mac address.

computer is silly expert.

you must tell it cause it don't know all.


(1 replies, posted in Special Configurations)

You can do WDS repeater