why doesn't anyone answer to me?is poissible or not to use x509 certs autentication over chillispot?

muscken wrote:

please it's very important sad
it's possible to implement tls through chilli?

maybe the answer is "eapolenable"?

please it's very important sad
it's possible to implement tls through chilli?

and make a tls channel between client and radius through chilli is possible?in addition at user/password?
radius with its ca,cert and key and client with same ca and certs/key signed with this ca...

i've got an idea:i can put a line "click here if you want to connect with x509" on the chilli logi page,if somone click here chillispot make an autologin test/test and in radius configuration i specify that test user need eap/tls auth.do you think it's possible?

how can i modify hotspotlogin script to do this?i'm not very skilful with scripts sad

************* wrote:

How chillispot know which user has good cert?

this is the question wink is it possible?

hi i'm marco,sorry for my bad english smile
i've a good question for you..

chillispot with radius works fine...i've created two accounts in radius with normal user/password autentication and it works very well.now i've implemented eap/tls on radius and i want that users without certs login trough chillispot user/password request,and users with good certs don't need to put user/pwd and login directly trought chillispot.is it possible?
thank you very much,i hope that you undestand my question...