(1 replies, posted in Radius Configuration)

Hi all,

i have a relatively complex situation:

I installed Radius and Chillispot on a Server with 2 Network NICs. Chillispot and Freeradius with mysql-db work together well but there are some Parameters that i need with Chillispot, maybe someone can tell me what i have to do (Reply parameters, and Config file Changes). And yes, i already used the search function but no thread answered my questions wink

1. A created user is only allowd to authenticate once (no multiple authentications)
2. I want to create a User to "operate as a group" so that multi-auths are allowed together with option 1. This is, for example that not each guest gets his username but i can create one username for more than one person.
3. I need an Account-Expiry so that i can set, for example "Account1 is allowed from 4th March to 10th March" What do i have to set in the Database?

Thank you for your help,

best regards,