
ok, i got my chillispot running smile it is working fine now. But now I have another question.

Is roaming possible with chillispot? I assume yes it is, but what do I have to do to build a roaming network.

What I want to have is a Wireless network on a hugh area where one singe W-Lan router isn't sufficent to cover the whole area. So I will need several accesspoints and maybe some directional antennas to get the coverage I want. What I not want is, that the user has to login on each access-point again if he has already logged in into another one, I want to have real roaming smile. What do I have to do? Which hardware do I need? How I have to build up my network?

I think it is possible. For example, if I have a central router with chillipot and access-points connected to it and the central chillispot router provides the DHCP Server for all access-points. Does it work link this? And what do I have to consider to choose the right access-point.

Is it possibel to expand the network by a kind of W-Lan repeater, just plug it in the power socket and it works only as a "relay".

I hope someone here understands what I want and can help me smile



(3 replies, posted in Chillispot Configuration)


I tried this one and it worked:

iptables -A forwarding_rule -i tun0 -j ACCEPT

thankyou so far. I don't understand the iptables now, I found this one sowere in the web. I will try to learn how the iptables are working smile.



(3 replies, posted in Chillispot Configuration)

I tried the "firewall.openwrt", from the chillispot doc directory, but if I use this iptable rules, then the DNS is not longer working. So with iptable rules delivered with chillispot it seems to be more worse than without iptable rules. Furthermore the FAQ from chillispot says under "How do I Install ChilliSpot under OpenWRT?", that the firewall configuration is not needed for a working chillispot.



(3 replies, posted in Chillispot Configuration)

No, the problem is not the URL, I tried it with 3 different UAM-Server and it did not work. If i enter the same URL with a normal network connection (without chillispot) then I get the login page. Rather I think, the problem is the routing in the Router. As I wrote in my first post, the "uamalowed" url's are also not working. DNS sems to work.

Any other help?

The documentation of chillispot is very moderate. What do I have to do to install chillispot from a plain OpenWRT configuration. I tried several tutorials, but any toturial is different. I wonder why there isn't a simple step by step documentation to install and cofigure chillispot.


since two and a half day I'm trying to get chillispot working, but without success. I read a lot of howtows and totorials but i cold not get it to run.

The problem is, that the login page is not shown in my browser. I got it for a short time but I do not know why and I do not now why I see it not any longer.

If I activate the wireles interface on the client, I will receive a IP-Adress by DHCP.
If I send a ping to any address from the client I get a "Answer from Host not reachable" (translated from german, maybe it's not exactly what a english OS would return : )

If I try to open a web-Page from the client I can see the redirection to: https://radius.chillispot.org/hotspotlogin?res=notyet&uamip=

But my browser says (translated from german): "Firefox can not establish a connection to radius.chillispot.org"

The "uamallowed" url's will also not work, I get the same failure message from my browser.

I have done the following:
- I flashed the Kamikaze 8.09 OpenWRT witf X-Wrt on my Linksys WRT54GL v1.1
- I installed chillispot with "opkg install chillispot"
- I configured the chilli.conf as follows:

interval 3600
pidfile /var/run/chilli.pid
radiussecret testing123
dhcpif wl0
uamserver https://radius.chillispot.org/hotspotlogin
uamsecret ht2eb8ej6s4et3rg1ulp
uamallowed www.chillispot.org,

- I configured the /etc/config/wireless as follows:

config wifi-device  wl0
        option type     broadcom
        option channel  5

#       option disabled 1

config wifi-iface
        option device   wl0
        option network  none
        option mode     ap
        option ssid     OpenWrt
        option encryption none

- I tried a lot, but for the moment this is my configuration anything else is as it is from first installation of OpenWRT.

I also tried the "firewall.openwrt" delivered with chillispot, but if I use this, I will not be redirected to the UAM-Server, then the browser tries to open the web-page I want to visit, but can not open it.

What is wrong? Did I forgot somthing to configure?

Is there anyone out there who can help me to get my chillispot running.
