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Cloud-based Hosted Chillispot Solution
Important note: If you are looking for a cloud based chillispot provider you can check out this
Hotspot Software by HotspotSystem.
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I've got a problem with my counter.conf in mysql.
I want to personalize the reply-message for each counter I created, so in the { } I insert reply-message = "blabla..." but it don't work at all. In fact the message is set according to the reset attribute ; for example the message, when reset = nerver, is "Your maximum never usage has been reached".
Any Idea how to change that?
Are you sure that you have this 2 line in your chilli.conf ?
These two adresses are the ones of openDNS.
And yes you need to assign DNS Server (as I know there isn't any default conf for this)
Hello everybody,
I'd like to know if it is possible to have a physical configuration acting like this :
AP <----------->
AP <-----------> Switch <-------------> Chillispot Server + chilli DHCP <-----------------> Router <------> WAN
AP <----------->
So in fact Several AP diffusing the hotspot wifi connected to a switch and the chillispot server behind this switch ?
Thanks a lot
if I use for example DynDNS to update hotsname on a particular ip, do i need to restart freeRADIUS ?
I don't understand what DNS lookup mean, any explanation?
Hello everyone,
I've got a question about the integration of client NAS with FreeRADIUS.
FreeRADIUS load the client using 'nas' table with ip adress as identifier and only permit this ip to act as NAS.
As my FreeRADIUS and NAS aren't on the same network (FreeRADIUS on a dedicated server on Internet and the NAS in a home network) i enter in nas table the public ip of the NAS.
But in France with some ISP, public ip (in my 'nas' table) of host change daily, so it would be a problem for the NAS.
Can I user domain Name in NAS table instead of ip address?
Any other idea?
Hello everybody,
I'd like to know if it is possible to query FreeRADIUS for Accounting every X seconds using Chillispot (or even Pepperspot)? To update the download and upload amount of a client.
sorry to answer so lately to your question.
In fact I didn't express so good. I have a WRT54GS with chillispot enabled and a server with radius, mysql and Apache (+PHP module).
Hi everybody,
I apologize for my English bu i'm not used to write in english (of course I'm French
I Install chillispot and freeradius+Mysql on a DD-WRT router with a login page provided on the forum in PHP.
Everythings work fine but I've got a question according to the expiration of an account.
How can I set an expiration date for an accounnt on the freeRadius Server and to handle the responses on the login script in php ?
For example a user log in but the expiration date is out of date so he is redirected to a billing page to reactivate his account ; and a user who is not register in the Freeradius database is redirected to a register page.
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