Topic: Pending/stale sessions

I have problems with stale/pending sessions.

I have already activated the "clearing" of the radacct table when chilli starts, as stated in a previous thread.

From the previous forum I also learned that to reduce the this issue the Acct-Interim-Interval row had to be inserted in the reply table.

Sadly, all this isn't helping, because I still experience some pending users in certain circumstances. It seems that most of them happens when the chilli machine is restarted. At this time the radacct table is reset with the query, but the users still appears as online in radwho. Most of the time to allow their login again I need to radzap them, since I have Simultaneous-Use = 1 too.

What am i missing to have chilli close all the pending sessions on reboot?


Re: Pending/stale sessions

It's a well known issue which the NAS (in this case chilli) must handle.
If chilli restarts without sending the Accouting Stop packet then there's really nothing to do about it.

You need to setup some cron script that would clear these stale sessions.

Liran Tal.