Topic: mac authentication

I am trying to use mac authentication..
i tried both adding the macauth parameter to command line --macallowed xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx and also to config file..
but in both my chilli returned an error and didnt work.
actually there is no error message but just the service does not start. when i disable this line (both macallowed and macpasswd) it works normally..
both chilli services are 1.1.0

Re: mac authentication

hi gobris,

you dont need BOTH of those uncommented. If you uncomment

macallowed 00-00-00-00-00-00

you dont need macauth uncommented.

I use mac auth, but  have the macauth var uncommented and then i add the users mac to mysql (no need to uncomment macallowed then - which was also hanging chilli for me too!)

mysql> INSERT INTO radcheck (username, attribute, value) VALUES ("00-1C-BF-32-FC-F9", "Password", "password");
mysql> INSERT INTO radreply (userName, attribute, op, value) VALUES ("00-1C-BF-32-FC-F9", "Framed-IP-Address", ":=", "");

^ what you need in mysql, in your radius db, where 00-1C-BF-32-FC-F9 is your mac, and is your static IP that you want to give

hope that helps


Re: mac authentication

If you require authentication to be performed based on your MAC address then
in your mysql database you'd have to create the following configuration for it in radcheck
00-11-22-33-44-55 , Auth-Type , := , Accept

This is self explanatory really, once chillispot sends it's mac authentication it is sending the mac address
as the username, the freeradius server then checks up the radcheck table and automatically accepts this
mac address user.

If you're doing MAC address then there's no real need for a password, right? it's not interactive.
Hope this makes sense.

daloRADIUS is a management platform for FreeRADIUS which provides complete management,
reports, accounting and so much more. It also supports Mac authentication management among others
(user authentication and pincode authentication).

Goodluck and hope you find it useful.

Liran Tal.

Re: mac authentication


I use macauth with external RADIUS server. It works fine except when I add or remove MAC from radcheck table of the RADIUS server, I need to restart chilli service. Is that normal operation of Chilli? Any idea please advise.


Re: mac authentication

that doesn't sound right to me though I work with mac authentication as described above (in the portal,
not as a non-interactive macauth).

Liran Tal.