Topic: Active Radius Session in Chillispot


Quick question,

when I connect to the Chillispot and close my connection ('close my browser and connection') in my freeradius server the connection keeps alive and it takes 10 mins to close it.

The only  way to close this connection in less time is to restart the chilli service.

Is there a setting that i'm missing.

BTW, I'm going to explain my scenario I have  4 PSTN E1 lines  connected to a cisco 5300 ===> ChilliSpot Server ===> Free Radius Server ===> Apache Server for the logging and billing application all of this is woking fine via dialup. the only problem is the above meessage

please advise.


Re: Active Radius Session in Chillispot

Thanks. I will try it.

Now lets say that my customer connects via dialup to my system and for any reason he gets disconnected, when he try to reconnect it will not let him to do the login to the chillispot until the Idle-timeout completes its time.

this is how the customer connects:

HOME customer dials my number connects to the cisco 5300 he types a generic username and password for all customers (example 123:123) ==> he authenticates with the freeradius server (I asign an ip to he's connection example: the chillispot server is after that when the customer opens he's browser and type an url the chilli will do he's job. The customer have to put he's own username and password it will do the authentication via the freeradius and let him browse to the internet. I'm trying to give you the complete scenario, We realy have two connections 1 dialup 2 chilli.

If I disconnect my modem the cisco5300 will send to the freeradius the disconnection request but the chilli won't do it until the idle-timeout.

So if I put my idle-timeout let say in 1 minute and let say my customer is replying and email  and he takes 5 minutes to wrote it, does he have to reconnect again to the chillispot?

thanks again,
hey btw I'm married with and ukrainian she's from Lutsk..

Re: Active Radius Session in Chillispot

Yes, I use the NAS cisco 5300 and chilli, because we are running a dialup bussiness here in Costa Rica.
So the customers logs in the NAS and then he have to pay he's service let say 1 week, 15 days, 1 month. and the chilli do the rest

Is working fne the only issue is when the customer accidenty disconnects he have to wait 10 min to reconnect.